Denmark joins the IC

In 1948 tennis in Denmark was slowly but surely growing strong again after the Second World War. The prominent players had already taken to travel abroad and play in international tournaments, and that sparked the idea of founding a Danish IC-Club.
Anker Jacobsen, Svend Olsen and Einer Ulrich called the top tennis players for an inaugural meeting on the 26th of November 1948, and it was decided that Denmark should establish their own IC Club.
On the first Board Svend Olsen was President. Members of the Board were Ernst Asmussen, Anker Jacobsen, Einer Ulrich and Torben Ulrich.
In 1949 IC of Denmark became affiliated with the IC Council as the 8th member after England 1924, France 1929, USA 1931, Holland 1931, Sweden 1937, Belgium 1947 and Argentina 1948.
Back then players were only eligible as IC members if the were amateur players. In 1960 two time Wimbledon finalist Kurt Nielsen turned professional, and could therefore no longer serve as a member of the Danish IC.
From being a very active Club the Danish IC lost momentum in the sixties, and from 1968 to 1986 the Club was more or less in hibernation.
In 1987, after an afternoon of leisure tennis, tennis friends Kurt Nielsen, Jørgen Ulrich, Poul Christensen, Søren Højberg and Jan Leschly decided to kick the old Club back into gear.
A new meeting was called, the IC laws were changed so professionels could be members and Kurt Nielsen was elected President.
The next big change in the Danish IC came in 1997, when female tennis players became members of the Club.
Danish IC has at least a couple of international matches every year. And for many years Denmark has been participating in - and truly enjoying the -  annual international IC-weeks. Danish IC is steadily increasing both its number of members and activity level.