November 20th First IC of DK Junior/Young Senior Event in HIK
Friday November 20th 2015 the very first IC of DK Junior/Young Senior Event was held in HIK.

The idea behind the event was to give some of the best juniors (last year under 18 years) / Young Seniors a fun and cozy tennis experience on the courts with existing and former Danish Fed Cup and Davis Cup players.
20 junior/young senior players and 18 of ID DK's members fought with high spirit against and with each others in different gentlemen/ladies - mixed constallations in matches of 20 mininutes. And the magic on the courts continued for more than 2 hours.
After the tennis a delicious dinner was served in the restaurant of HIK. At the dinner the Chairman of IC DK, Mikael Bernhoft, presented the idea that the IC Council and IC DK are based on. This was followed by tall tales by Søren Højberg including old stories of the national team and international tennis.
Both speaches were followed big applause - and of course: no tournament without prizes - the following recieved a bottle of champagne:
Søren Wedege - for running up a lob and hitting a winner with the back to the net.
Thomas Kromann - for best shot between the legs.
Morten Christensen - best shot parallel with the net
Kenneth Carlsen - for best sportsmanship - and entertaining tennis
Michael Tauson - for his ability to still make wonderfull shots - even though his legs are stuck in the ground :-)
After some festive hours hours together everyone left with a smile on their faces - and several new friendships.
Special thanks to:
Tine Scheuer Larsen, Mai Grage and Karina Ildor Jacobsgaard,
Kenneth Carlsen, Michael Tauson, Morten Christensen, Martin Pedersen and Thomas Kromann
for supporting this event together with the other IC players.

October 23 IC DK Annual Dinner
Guest speaker: The USA Ambassador Rufus Gifford

October 23rd the annual IC DK dinner was a big success with over 70 participants and with the Ambassador of the USA Rufus Gifford invited as an honorary guest and guest speaker at the event.
The riveting speach of the Ambassador once again proved him as a fantastic speaker and one of the points was that the members of The International Tennis Club of Denmark are all ambassadors when travelling outside Denmark. The IC of DK thanks the Ambassador for the many interesting thoughts on representing the USA in Denmark and his personal relation to tennis.
This annual event has each year been growing in success and format. With over 70 dining guests the age ranged from 20 years to 94 years old and the increasing number of spouses added to the good atmosphere. We welcome that both young and active players of the Davis Cup and Federation Cup team as well as the not so young and not so active players enjoy strengthening the national network in IC DK.
Looking forward next year's dinner event.

September 11-13 IC Nordic in Oslo

September 11 to 13 IC of DK attended the now tradional IC Nordic event where IC of Noway hosted the teams from IC of DK, IC of Sweden and IC og Finland.
The Danish team was: Mikael Bernhoft, Hans Peter Michaelsen, Peter Holst and Stein Ulrich.
The result of the weekend was: 1. Sweden 2. Finland, 3. Denamrk 4 Norway.
The team from Sweden included a lot of good players, crowned with Per Hjertqvist. IC of Norway ensured a very good and relaxed atmosphere. Thus we had a weekend of a lot of fun, good togetherness and good tennis in beautiful sorroundings.

June 16th 17.00 IC Tennis & BBQ event in HIK

Tirsdag den 16. juni dannede H.I.K. rammen om endnu et IC arrangement. Vi var 26 spillende og 12 ikke-spillende (dvs 36 ialt) medlemmer der mødtes ved pavillionen på Hartmansvej kl. 17.00.
Her blev der budt på velkomstdrink og lækre snitter samtidig med matchprogrammet blev præsenteret. H.I.K. havde stillet Centre Court og 4 andre baner til rådighed til os og fra kl. 17.30 til 19.30 blev der gået til vaflerne - der blev spillet både aggressivt, topspunden, slicet, mådeholdene og ikke mindst følt champagne tennis på alle baner. Som følge af Karina Ildor Jacobsgaard, Eva Dyrberg og Fie Astrup deltog som spillere, kunne der både spilles dame-, mix- og herredouble.
Ved middagen i H.I.K.’s restaurant blev der uddelt præmier, Champagne, til hver af de følgende:
- Peter Knap for flest vundne partier.
- Karina Ildor Jacobsgaard for bedste skråbold ved nettet.
- Martin Pedersen for en knaldhård flad forhånd uden om netstolpen.
- Allan Larsen for bedste slag med ryggen til nettet (to gange mellem benene!).
- Allan Sander for en stopbold der hoppede tilbage på egen banehalvdel.
Stor tak til Coolsport/HEAD for sponsering af bolde/præmier til arrangementet.
Dejligt at vi kunne samle 36 humørfyldte tennisspillere denne sene eftermiddag/aften og vi glæder os allerede til ‘Get together middagen’ i oktober.