July 2018 The CQS Jean Borotra IC Sportsmanship Award The CQS Jean Borotra IC Sportsmanship Award was won by Gabriela Sabatini who accepted the award from last year's winner, Rod Laver, with Sir Michael Hintze, donor of the award, in attendance. The event was filmed and shown on Wimbledon Live and there was world-wide coverage of the presentation in the written press, including a great article in the Argentine press. A link to the article on the website of Sir Michael Hintze, can be viewed here Previous Article The IC Council AGM Next Article The Tennis Ball - Saturday 10 November 2018
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IC of Italy qualify for Worldwide IC Junior Challenge Finals IC of Italy qualify for Worldwide IC Junior Challenge Finals
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IC of Japan qualify for Worldwide IC Junior Challenge Finals IC of Japan qualify for Worldwide IC Junior Challenge Finals