July 2018 The IC Council AGM On 8th July the IC Council held a series of workshops ranging from Websites, Business Forms/ Governance, as well as the usual Match-making session (which this year was split into regions). After this the formal AGM was held which this year was attended by representatives of 36 of the 41 ICs, which was a record. The International Club is in good health with plenty of matches and events and from next year, there will be IC Weeks staged by IC of France, Belgium, Switzerland, India and GB ( which 100 yrs old in 2024) Previous Article Video from The Potter Cup 2018 Next Article The CQS Jean Borotra IC Sportsmanship Award
IC Tennis Greats Support The “IC Rod Laver Worldwide Junior Challenge” IC Tennis Greats Support The “IC Rod Laver Worldwide Junior Challenge” The IC Rod Laver Worldwide Junior Challenge is gaining wonderful support from many tennis legends
South Africa's 70th Anniversary celebratory event South Africa's 70th Anniversary celebratory event 10th - 20th May 2020 - Sun City
Amended IC Week 2019 competition rules Amended IC Week 2019 competition rules Changes for the IC Week at Le Touquet