July 2017 September 2017 La Carreta Event, entries still open and additional IC nations needed The 2017 La Carreta event will be held at the Bulgarian National Tennis Centre in Sofia during the 20th – 24th September 2017, in conjunction with the IC of Bulgaria’s 10th anniversary celebrations. Thus far the IC of France, GB and and Belgium are the only nations to have expressed an interest. With an ideal number of 8 teams, we need some more support from participating IC Nations. For more information please see the below information or attached factsheet and information document, and please get in touch with Katerina Guenova at your earliest convenience to discuss - kguenova@bgtennis.bg Venue: Bulgarian National Tennis Center Borisova Gradina; Nezabravka 3-5 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel: + 359887500600 Tournament Rules Participating ICs – up to 12 Teams: 1 Lady 50+, 1 Lady 60+, 1 playing or non-playing captain Matches per tie: 2 singles (60+ and 50+), 1 double (50+/60+) Matches: best of 3, 3rd set match tie break (10 points) Balls: HEAD ATP Wednesday- 20.09.17 Arrival, practice, captains meeting at 19:00 Thursday- 21.9.17: First round matches Friday- 22.9.17: 10:00 a.m.: Quarter finals and Consolation Saturday- 23.9.17: 10:00 a.m.: Semi finals and consolation Sunday- 24.9.17: 10.00 a.m.: Finals and consolation Tournament Committee t.b.a. Social events: Thursday- Welcome party at the Bulgarian National Tennis Center Friday- Sightseeing trip, Free evening Saturday- 7:00 p.m.: IC dinner Sunday- 2:30 p.m.: price giving ceremony Players´ hotel: Park Hotel Moskva, Nezabravka str. 25, Sofia Bulgaria Entries: Entries have to be sent by 30 May 2017 with the registration form to IC Bulgaria, Vesselina Doneva, via e-mail to : vdoneva@bgtennis.bg If less than 12 teams want to participate, there maybe change in the number of competition days and the tournament may finish on Saturday. Entry fees: For teams with 2 players only (1 double room): 450,00 € For teams with 2 players + 1 captain (1 double + 1 single room): 800,00 € For teams with 3 players + 1 captain (2 double rooms): 930,00 € For teams with 3 players + 1 captain (1 double + 2 single rooms): 1.100,00 € The entry fees cover following services: Hotel with breakfast for 4 nights (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday) Welcome party in the club (Thursday), 4 lunches in the clubhouse and the IC dinner on Saturday evening The entry fee has to be paid by 30 July, 2017 to the following bank account of IC Bulgaria: D Bank Bulgaria BG32DEMI92401000178525 BIC:DEMIBGSF If the entry fee is not paid by the deadline date above, we reserve the right to substitute the IC in delay by another IC team. La Carreta 2017 Factsheet La Carreta 2017 Bulgaria La Carreta 2017 -Registration Form Previous Article Guidelines for Staging Major IC Events Next Article 2017 IC AGM
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