June 2020 Covid-19: Events update We hope that you, and those closest to you are keeping safe and well in such unprecedented and uncertain times. Communications will be an important way of managing this crisis and coming together as an IC Community, as always. The health, safety and well-being of our members is always our top priority. Therefore, we’ve unfortunately had to cancel or postpone a number of events. The cancelled IC Council-supported events this year include so far: The IC Celebratory Legends Event in South Africa - postponed to 2021 The Potter Cup in Barcelona - 2020 event cancelled. Further information on 2021 event to follow. The CQS IC June event in Prague (4 nations) - 2020 event cancelled. Further information on 2021 event to follow. IC Canada Celebratory Event - event cancelled IC Rod Laver Junior Challenge Worldwide Finals - Postponed until 2021 - further information to follow. Please look out for the notices that host ICs are sending out to you about their events. Major tennis events, some with which we have been associated closely for nearly 100 years, are also being changed or cancelled. We will adjust our calendar to the changes of other major tennis events. The AGM will take place via a Zoom meeting on Sunday 5th July - further information to follow. The EC Meeting at Roland-Garros will move to September. Many of our IC of Japan members have been very engaged in the preparations for the now postponed 2020 Olympic Games. We look forward to Tokyo hosting the Olympics in 2021. Please continue to check back here for further updates. 1st June 2020 Previous Article IC Philanthropy Foundation update - April 2020 Next Article IC Council e-Newsletter - May 2020
South Africa Win Qualfying Leg of Rod Laver Junior Challenge South Africa Win Qualfying Leg of Rod Laver Junior Challenge
GB win Wallenberg Trophy 2022 GB win Wallenberg Trophy 2022 Congratulations to the IC of GB who won the 2022 Wallenberg Trophy.
Italy qualify for the IC Rod Laver Junior Challenge Final Italy qualify for the IC Rod Laver Junior Challenge Final
Executive Committee decision to suspend IC of Russia Executive Committee decision to suspend IC of Russia
Players from Vosloorus Programme Chosen for Inter Provincial Players from Vosloorus Programme Chosen for Inter Provincial