
November 2019
IC of Denmark 70 years Anniversary + IC Annual Dinner 2019

IC of Denmark 70 years Anniversary + IC Annual Dinner 2019

November 10 2019. HIK.

Facebook Link - Lots of photos

The IC party crew has done it again. 

They had promised to raise the bar even higher than the previous years and it is safe to say that they did. The attendance was higher than ever (80 people) and the party that marked the 70th anniversary of IC of Denmark continued well into the morning hours. The attendants were members plus spouses of all ages from 18 to 80 which is one of the most amazing features of the IC Annual Dinner.

As is tradition we had a guest speaker during the annual dinner and this year Jan Leschly had agreed to do it although we can hardly call Jan a guest. After dinner the bar opened, and everyone was ready for the final and possibly most exciting part. The party crew had announced that we would have live music for the first time and that the famous Tennis Band had been selected to keep the dance floor filled. That was a huge success and we definitely set a new record for most distance covered on the dance floor. When the music stopped most people said goodnight while a few stayed for a last drink and some maybe stayed a bit too long 😉

A huge thank you to HIK and Berit for hosting the party once again, and to the the party crew for all the effort you put into this year after year. We are all looking forward to seeing how you can top it next year 😊

All the best

Christoffer Kønigsfeldt


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